Client Testimonials
We think the world of our clients, and we are so incredibly proud of the results many of our participants achieve. Want to see more results? Read on below!
Client Stories

Sarah Lost 30kg!

Alex Lost Over 35cm!

Lisa Completed 2 Rounds of 10WC!

Type 2 Diabetes - Reversed!
The Sly 18kg That I've Dropped Definitely Helped!
“I can breathe! I was finding it really difficult to hold a conversation while walking, because I was getting out of breath at even a slow pace, let alone stairs (god forbid!) but when I started the challenge I tasked myself to walk every day and sure enough 4.5km a night later and I feel fantastic. I’ve got so much more energy, I can keep up better with my friends, and the sly 18kg that I’ve dropped definitely helped!"
I Have Stopped Taking Medication for Reflux
“I have stopped taking medication for reflux, have gained a new found confidence and happier outlook on life that I haven’t had for a while.
I have successfully lost 10kgs but not only that I have lost at least 2 dress sizes and learnt new ways of coping with stress and what it does to my mind and body when I am getting stressed through my work life over the past couple of weeks in particular.”
Cholesterol Within Normal Limits and Liver Enzymes Halved!
“Last year I was diagnosed with non alcoholic fatty liver disease after raised enzyme levels in my blood tests and a further ultrasound. I started reading about the effects of poor diet on the liver and in particular the effect of sugar. On completing the 10 Week Challenge, I am now 9kg lighter and a visit to the GP recently for blood test results confirmed why I needed this change. My cholesterol is now within normal limits as are my liver enzymes levels – they had in fact halved!
I feel more mentally alert and present than ever before, my mood has improved as I feel in control of my eating and I am definitely snapping less at the family. Most importantly, for the first time in a long time I am modelling healthy eating to my children”
Not Just About Weight Loss
“I think people go into this thinking weight loss (myself included) but the health benefits you get overall is what makes me feel your challenge is tremendous. You both keep it simple and there is support from everywhere. Thank you so much.”
Prednisone Reduced By Over Half
“I have discovered that dairy is a REAL trigger for my Rheumatoid Arthritis, within a few hours of consuming I am unable to walk. I have also been able to reduce my prednisone intake to 8mg per per from 15-20 mg”
Goodbye IBS Symptoms!
“I no longer have IBS symptoms, I haven’t had the upper tummy pain at all for such a long time. I very rarely have panic attacks anymore my anxiety has settled down and my skin is sooo much better.”
A Serious Improvement in My Happiness
“A serious improvement in my happiness. Since I’ve been suffering with PTSD and depression for so long I’ve kind of got to the point where I just accept the fact that everything is average. HOWEVER since doing 10WC my friends, family and doctor are all noting how I appear to be much more myself, that is the pre-accident me!”
I Have Realised How Food and Sleep Affect My Mental Health
“I now have realised how food and sleep were affecting my mental health. It was making me feel physically sick. I have discovered a lot about myself and genuinely thank you both. I don’t think you realise the impact you’re having on people’s lives. I really mean that, thank you.”
15kg Gone Forever
“I haven’t had reflux since I started. My complexion has cleared and my panda eyes have gone. Plus I lost almost 15kg!”
The Advice Was Spot On!
“The food, recipes, menu, habits and ADVICE were all spot on. Awesome. The weight loss was amazing, and I do feel better.”